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Navigating Hair Loss in Your Early Twenties

Thinning hair and hair loss at a young age is more common than you might think: an estimated 40% of men will have noticeable hair loss by age 35, and an estimated 40% of women will have visible hair loss by the time they are 40.

While hair loss at a young age can be alarming, it’s important to remember that the earlier thinning hair is noticed and any potential issue is diagnosed, the easier it may be to treat. 

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Why Comb-Overs Aren’t the Solution to Hair Loss

Once hair loss begins and all solutions for hair restoral fail, most people are left with two options: either try a comb over or get their head shaved.

The worst option is the comb over. Some people think that a comb over will hide their baldness but the result is completely the opposite. It actually magnifies and draws attention to baldness by poorly covering up what is not there. 

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SMP and Skin Complexion: Finding Your Perfect Match
An important factor when considering if scalp micropigmentation is right for you, is the combination of your skin color complexion and hair color. For SMP to appear natural, it must compliment your skin and hair color seamlessly. SMP can be applied for anyone with any color, but how it appears is the ultimate consideration.
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Correcting SMP Mistakes: How We Can Help

If you've had a poorly done scalp micropigmentation procedure, we understand your pain. When all the time, energy, research and money spent to improve your scalp goes wrong, you may feel even worse than prior to SMP.

It's a frustrating experience and you may feel helpless. 

But we can help. We've helped rebuild and restore scalp micropigmentation for several of our clients and can do the same for you.

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Evaluating Your Suitability for SMP Filler Treatment

Diffuse thinning and female pattern hair loss are both the ideal types of hair loss for scalp micropigmentation for thinning hair. The hair is typically thinned out rather than balding in one concentrated area.

It’s ideal to fill in thinner areas because it gives a continuous appearance of hair throughout the scalp without attracting unwanted attention while looking completely natural. But not everyone makes a good candidate for SMP filler treatment.

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