Scar Concealment Case Study
- Type of Scar: FUT Transplant
- Hair Color: Brown
- Haircut: Number 2 buzz cut
Here we have a client who has had a previous hair transplant done years ago. Unfortunately, the transplant did not produce satisfactory results, and it left him with an aggressive strip scar. Prior to meeting with us, he would typically hide the scar by keeping his hair very long, which did not look good due to the severe baldness on top of his head.
Due to the aggressive texture and wide width of the scar, we determined that there was a tradeoff between fully concealing the scar versus being able to conceal his male pattern baldness with SMP. Because of his extensive baldness, he would have to shave his head with a razor in order to be a candidate for treatment on the top; however, the shaved look would leave the texture of the scar fully exposed, which would allow for about 70% concealment of the scar at best.

After discussing options with the client, he decided that his priority was to completely conceal the strip scar. We opted to do his treatment with his hair at a number 2 buzz, which helped to conceal the texture of the scar and made it possible for us to fully blend the scar tissue into his surrounding hair.
Initially after the procedure there is some slight redness, which will subside in 2-4 days. However, the results were evident immediately after the first treatment had been done. The client returned again a week later for the second procedure, and his retention from the first session was excellent. The client was very happy already, and just needed more density to guarantee longevity for his results. We treated his scar with the same hair length again and added another layer of pigment to further enhance his results.

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