Density Filler for Thin Hair Case Study
- Norwood scale: 7
- Hair Color: Blond
- Skin Tone: Light
Here we have a client in his mid 30’s who has had over 10,000 FUE grafts transplanted to the top of his head, and is still lacking sufficient hair density. Because of his Norwood 7 level hair loss, he has exhausted his donor supply in the back of his head and has even resorted to transplanting beard and body hairs into the crown. Body hair transplantation is hailed by some transplant doctors as a viable method for restoring full hair density in clients who are presenting with severe baldness. However, as we can see in this case, a client can undergo a massive amount of hair transplantation and still have the appearance of thin hair.

The advantage of SMP in this case is that we can create the illusion of significantly more hair density without requiring any surgery. We are able to conceal both the thinning area on top, as well as any FUE or strip transplant scars in the back of the head. For the client’s first treatment, he came in with a buzz cut and wanted us to blend his treatment to match a very short hair length. As the treatments progressed, he decided that he wanted to keep his hair a bit longer on top, and we darkened the pigment accordingly to match his longer hair length.
After three sessions, the client was highly satisfied with his results and said that he was finally happy with the way his hair looked. The FUE transplants had been very expensive and time-consuming for him, and he was relieved that SMP had offered him a fast and affordable solution that successfully restored the density in his hair.

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