Scalp Micropigmentation
Anaheim (SMP)

Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP) is a special form of tattooing that is applied to the scalp as a way to recreate the appearance of real hair follicles. This solution is among the most effective methods for restoring the confidence of men and women alike who are struggling with many different types of hair loss.The highly-skilled practitioners at ZangSMP have gained years of experience in the scalp micropigmentation industry. Our track record speaks for itself, the results we have provided to clients all across Anaheim are second to none.Now it's your turn, find out how SMP treatments can solve your hair loss issues.

Meet Zang

Zang is one of the world's leading experts in scalp micropigmentation. It's no wonder his services are sought after by clients and clinics around the globe, he received his training in the practice of scalp micropigmentation from the creators of this new and innovative solution for hair loss.

The team at ZangSMP have been hand-picked by Zang for their compassion and empathy in helping thousands of clients fight hair loss by administering this natural-looking solution to a common problem. His expertise, attention to detail, and commitment to the highest-quality care have made ZangSMP one of the best scalp micropigmentation providers in the industry.

Contact us today and set up an appointment to discuss how you can benefit from scalp micropigmentation.


What is Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP)?

Scalp micropigmentation is a non-invasive form of tattooing that utilizes a specific type of organic plant-based pigment. This is deposited with a series of microneedles directly into the dermal layer of the scalp for the purpose of replicating the aesthetic of a full head of hair. Many of our clients have come to our office seeking out SMP treatments because they no longer wish to be bald, others have requested filler treatments to add more density to their existing hair.

Whatever the reason may be for your SMP treatments, ZangSMP is ready to deliver the kind of results that other treatment options promise but fail to produce.

How many treatments do I need?

The majority of our clients will need just two treatments, administered one week of each other. The reason we recommend two sessions within that time frame is because of the skin's tendency to reject some amount of the pigment after it has been implanted. This reaction is normal and the second treatment is designed to restore the pigment that has been lost from the first treatment.

In some instances, a third and final treatment may be required and this is usually administered around one to three months after the second treatment has been received.

Your practitioner can determine if a third session is necessary after doing an examination into whether or not the two preceding treatments have achieved the client's objectives for restoring the appearance of natural-looking hair on the scalp.

How long is each treatment?

The length of each treatment session is dependent on the amount of work needed to meet the objectives of the client. Since each client is different, the length of each session will naturally differ. The typical treatment session can last anywhere from two to four hours in total.

One thing to keep in mind is that both treatment sessions can run longer or shorter by comparison to each other. It is not uncommon for the first session to run longer than the second session one week later because it takes time to build the hairline and establish the foundational layer.

The second and, if needed, a third treatment will usually require a shorter period of time but this can vary after a determination is made on how much pigment from the previous treatment was rejected by the skin.

Who decides on the construction of the hairline?

While a number of factors must be considered, the ultimate decision is made by the client. The practitioner will offer a variety of options that look natural and appropriate for the specific features of the client. But in the end, it's the client who will need to consider how his or her goals for solving their particular hair loss can best be met.

I've already had 3 treatments, now what?

If you have received three treatments, there is not much left to do. Your practitioner will supply you with a set of specific after care instructions, be sure you follow these to the letter as it will help to preserve the scalp micropigmentation and ensure the best possible results.

ZangSMP backs all of the work we perform with a one year satisfaction guarantee. If you start to notice significant fading of the pigment for a full year after the last treatment you receive, we will be happy to touch-up those areas without any additional cost to you.

What are the aftercare instructions?

Every ZangSMP client is provided with a set of instructions that explain the many do's and dont's after treatment. These instruct the client not to touch or wash the scalp, not to workout, and not to cut any existing hair for a period of four days after receiving the SMP treatment.

Some clients worry if sleeping can damage the pigment in any way. The answer is no, the pigment will not smear or smudge, nor will there be any residual stains left behind on the pillow or bedding after a night's sleep. Clients are also permitted to wear a hat if they so choose. We even recommend it when the client is spending any time outdoors in direct sunlight.

When will a touch-up be necessary?

Scalp micropigmentation is a permanent solution to male pattern baldness and other hair loss issues. But pigments will naturally begin to fade over time and touch-ups will be necessary. The average time from the final treatment to a need for some touch-ups is usually a period of five to eight years. This is due to the surface of skin sustaining all types of normal wear and tear during that time.

Will I miss any work during treatment?

Since this is a non-invasive process, no downtime will be required. Just be careful to follow the after care instructions that are given to preserve the micropigmentation. The majority of our clients who receive the treatment go home and return to work the very next morning.

Will people be able to tell I have had the treatment done?

Initially after the first treatment the pigments will look bolder as they are freshly deposited. Overnight you will notice the pigments softening and settling down. There may be some noticeable redness directly after treatment, but that will go away after two to three days' time. Patients with sensitive skin may be more susceptible to redness but it should still disappear in that same time frame.

Is SMP Painful?

Every patient has a different threshold for pain tolerance. We have found that patients who have previously received a tattoo consider SMP to be much less intense by comparison. For those who have not had a tattoo before, SMP can be uncomfortable to some while others may have little to no discomfort at all. But we want all of our patients to have a pleasant experience with this procedure and our practitioners will do everything possible to make the process as painless as possible.

Do I need to keep the shaved look?

During the initial consultation, one of our practitioners will discuss the challenges of your hair loss and the goals you wish to achieve. Once we get an understanding of the classification that applies to your hair loss, a treatment plan can be established and implemented for solving the issue.

Clients at a “Norwood 6” or “Norwood 7” classification will need to maintain a shaved look due to the amount of coverage for micropigmentation on top of the scalp. As the hair on the back and along the sides of the head will continue to grow and the SMP will start to become far more noticeable when compared to the texture of real hair that still remains. Keeping the head shaved will help to avoid that increased visibility.

Patients who receive SMP treatments as filler treatments seek them out as a way to add density to the hairline or the crown of the head. In order to be considered a candidate for this type of treatment, the patient needs sufficient amounts of hair on the scalp in which to blend the micropigmentation.

Do you perform scar concealment?

Scar concealment can be accomplished through scalp micropigmentation. Whether the scars are a result of injury or surgery, the SMP treatments can successfully address the issue, including FUE and FUT transplant scars.

Do I need to cut my hair before the SMP treatment?

Clients who are seeing one of our practitioners to receive filler treatment or scar concealment SMP treatments will need to cut their hair down to the shortest length possible unless told otherwise during their consultation. For clients who have a Norwood six or seven hair loss categorization, we will ask that the scalp be shaved ahead of treatment and maintain that routine going forward.

What do I do for optimal maintenance?

We will provide suggestions for products to use to maintain your treatment. Please check the link to our products recommendation page

Will it affect the treatment if I continue to shave my head?

Shaving the head will in no way affect the treatment. We tell our clients to shave and wash the scalp as needed, the pigment will not be damaged or impacted in any way since it has been implanted into the dermal layer of the scalp.

How do I best protect my SMP from sunlight?

Tattoo pigments should not be exposed to direct sunlight as this will accelerate fading. The same is true for scalp micropigmentation. Therefore, we recommend that all our clients apply a strong SPF sunscreen to the scalp and wear a hat if prolonged exposure to the sun is unavoidable. Your micropigmentation and your skin will both thank you.

How much does SMP cost?

There is no way to determine the cost for your treatments until one of the practitioners at ZangSMP can assess the level of hair loss or the scar that needs to be concealed. Every client is different and their goals for success will vary. But the average prices for treatment can give you a better understanding of what your costs may be to solve your hair loss issues.

The average cost for scar concealment is around $800-$1000 per treatment. For class two to class four hair loss is $2400-$3400. Class five to class seven hair loss is $3400-$4200. Top of the scalp with scar concealment ranges from $4200-$5200 for two to three treatments.

When are the payments due?

Each client will need to submit a deposit of $400 to secure a booking. There is a waiting list for appointments and it can take as many as eight weeks to receive your first treatment. Payments are due at the time each treatment is administered. The costs are often split between the two treatments and we do offer financing for clients who qualify.

How do I get started?

You can start by calling ZangSMP at 310-425-4975 or sending us an email at to inquire about a free initial consultation. Our team is ready to help you. We have worked with clients from all around the world, no matter where they are currently based. All you need to do is send over a clear photograph of your scalp (top down, birds eye view) or the scar that needs concealment. We will review the photos and we can then schedule a consultation to discuss your options further.

Get a personalized quote for your treatment with ZangSMP

All consultations are always FREE. We offer in-person consultations, and virtual consultations through video call or phone call.