The Role of Genetics in Hair Loss Explained

Reviewed by Zang and Ridwan
The Role of Genetics in Hair Loss Explained

Baldness is inherited from your mother’s side. Wearing hats causes hair to fall out. Only older men experience baldness.

Are these claims accurate, or just common myths? With so much information out there about hair loss, it’s tough to know what’s fact and what’s fiction.

Let’s explore some key facts about hair loss genetics and the factors that may or may not influence baldness.

Hair Loss Genetics Aren’t Always Because of Your Mother

A common myth is that the hair loss gene is solely inherited from your mother’s side, but that’s not entirely accurate.

While the main gene responsible for baldness is found on the X chromosome and can only be passed down to men by their mothers, other factors come into play. Men with bald fathers actually have a higher chance of experiencing male pattern baldness.

Hair density is influenced by the genes of both parents, and even grandparents. This means that baldness isn’t just a trait tied to your mother’s side of the family.

In reality, hair loss genetics is a complex mix involving multiple family lines.

Wearing Hats Does Not Affect Baldness

A lot of men worry that keeping their hats on for too long might lead to hair loss, but this is just another myth that needs to be debunked.

In reality, wearing hats doesn’t put enough pressure on the scalp to cause baldness. So feel free to wear your hats as much as you want without stressing over how it might affect your hairline.

Testosterone Levels Do Not Determine Baldness

Another widespread myth about male baldness is that bald men have higher levels of testosterone than those with a full head of hair. This is not true.

Studies indicate that men who experience hair loss have the same testosterone levels as those who maintain a full head of hair.

Getting Too Much Sun is Not Bad For Your Hair Line

For some reason, there’s a myth that excessive tanning or prolonged exposure to the sun’s UV rays can burn off the hair on a man’s head. This is completely false.

While too much UV exposure is harmful to your skin, it won’t make your hairline recede.

Perhaps this myth arises from the idea that the sun can make hair brittle, as it dries out the hair shaft. But even with sun damage, baldness won’t occur.

Looking For a Solution to Your Baldness?

If you're noticing a receding hairline, thinning hair, or even complete baldness, there’s a potential solution worth considering: scalp micropigmentation.

To learn more about this groundbreaking treatment for hair loss click here!

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