Understanding Why Men Experience Baldness More Frequently

Understanding Why Men Experience Baldness More Frequently

Ever wonder why some health issues affect one gender more than the other? Why do men go bald so much more often than women? Here’s your answer.

How many men do you know who are losing their hair? Chances are, you know far more men losing their hair than women.

Have you ever wondered why do men go bald much more than women? Many people chalk it up to genetics. And to a great extent, this is true. But the fact is, men are just more prone to alopecia, a condition that causes hair loss.

This is especially true of the androgenetic variety.

What Is Androgenetic Alopecia?

You may be more familiar with this term as “male-pattern” baldness.

In the case of men, the hairline recedes to create that classic “M” shape. The hair also starts to thin at the crown of the head, and may eventually lead to partial or complete baldness.

But androgenetic alopecia affects women too. In fact, this form of hair loss affects around 50 million men and 30 million women in the United States alone. Which brings us to the big question:

Then Why Do Men Go Bald More Than Woman?

The difference is, androgenetic alopecia almost never leads to total baldness in women. Instead, the hairline does not recede and the hair becomes thinner all over the head. So although women are also losing hair, it’s not nearly as noticeable.

Still, all forms of alopecia seem to affect men more than women. And that’s because men, overall, are more prone to alopecia.

There’s a big reason for this.

Alopecia Has a Huge Connection to Testosterone

Of course, both men and women have testosterone. But men have much more.

And alopecia occurs when enzymes in the body convert testosterone into another chemical called dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Thus, DHT is essentially is a by-product of testosterone. And since testosterone is the primary male hormone, women are not as dramatically affected by this conversion as men.

Once the body is pulsing with DHT, the hair follicles are in danger. That’s because the main job of this by-product of testosterone is to attack hair follicles by shrinking them. This makes it difficult to grow hair and eventually, the follicles cease to function.

But not every man will be negatively impacted by DHT.

How Does Genetics Come into Play?

The inheritance pattern of androgenetic alopecia isn’t entirely clear.

A primary factor seems to be genetic though. Some say if a man’s father is bald, his chances are increased. Others say it comes from the mother’s side. Either way, the condition tends to cluster in families.

Plus, there does seem to be some consensus that the enzymes that cause the conversion of testosterone to DHT are hereditary. Furthermore, the amount of these enzymes is going to be a factor. More enzymes mean greater hair loss.

Another genetic component is connected with the number of receptors on a person’s head. Those who inherit more receptors are going to be prone to quicker hair loss.

It Is Pretty Tough to Override Genetics

And simply knowing why do men go bald may not offer much relief. Especially if you’re dealing with hair loss.

But if hair plugs and creams aren’t your thing, try scalp micropigmentation (SMP) instead. You won’t get your hair back, but you’ll definitely find your confidence again.