Emerging Treatments for Male Pattern Baldness and Alopecia

Reviewed by Zang and Ridwan
Emerging Treatments for Male Pattern Baldness and Alopecia

Could your platelets hold the key to reversing baldness? Some scientists believe they might. Here are a few emerging options that could lead to a potential cure for male pattern baldness.

GQ recently compiled a list of the 100 most powerful bald men in the world, featuring names like Voldemort, Stanley Tucci, and Dana White. While some may find inspiration in the list and embrace their baldness, there are still many men who prefer to avoid it or hope to restore the hair they’ve lost.

If you fall into that group, you’re in luck. In this article, we’ll explore three promising treatments, one of which could potentially be the ultimate solution for male pattern baldness.


RT1640 is a revolutionary drug developed by Dr. David Weinstein, a neuroscientist specializing in nerve regeneration. Interestingly, Weinstein began working on this compound after experiencing hair loss in his mid-50s.

The creation of RT1640 was deeply personal for him, as it aimed to address his own struggles with hair restoration. So, what exactly makes up RT1640?

This new treatment combines three active ingredients: minoxidil, cyclosporine A, and RT175. While minoxidil is a well-known ingredient in hair loss treatments, the combination of these three may be the key to its potential success. Dr. Weinstein believes that using a trio of ingredients will be more effective than a single compound. Each ingredient targets a unique biological pathway.

Minoxidil works by preventing the effects of DHT. Cyclosporine A helps stimulate new hair growth, while RT175 promotes stem cell activity.

Although RT1640 is still in clinical trials, a quick search online will show that it has been gaining attention from various media outlets.


Cyclosporine A (CsA) is an immunosuppressive drug commonly prescribed to transplant patients to reduce the risk of organ rejection. While its primary use is for this purpose, one of its side effects is unexpected hair growth.

Though this side effect might seem harmless, CsA is a powerful drug with serious risks, such as potential kidney or liver damage. It’s not something a doctor would prescribe just to address hair loss.

However, there’s good news. Researchers at the University of Manchester have pinpointed SFRP1, the protein responsible for CsA's hair growth effects. Even more promising is that SFRP1 is already available through the osteoporosis medication WAY-316606. With further clinical trials, it may become a viable treatment for hair restoration.


Have you heard of vampire facials? Celebrities like Kim Kardashian and Bar Refaeli swear by them. But don’t let the name fool you—it’s not as mysterious as it sounds.

The procedure doesn’t involve vampires at all. Instead, it uses your own blood to stimulate the growth of new skin cells.

Here’s how it works: your blood is drawn and then placed in a centrifuge to separate the platelet-rich plasma (PRP). This PRP is then applied to your face to encourage skin rejuvenation.

We mention this because PRP isn’t just effective for skin. It’s also being explored as a promising hair loss treatment, especially in combination with hair transplant surgeries. However, like RT1640 and CsA, PRP still needs more research to determine if it can stand alone as a viable treatment for hair loss.

Which Male Pattern Baldness Cure Are You Most Interested in?

Is RT1640 the answer? Or perhaps CsA or PRP?

The truth is, it may take some time before we know for sure, as these treatments are still in clinical trials or early research phases. But don’t lose hope.

There are many dedicated individuals working hard to uncover or develop a permanent solution for male pattern baldness. All you need to do is trust the journey.

While you wait, why not dive deeper into understanding the causes of hair loss or learn more about male pattern baldness? You can also explore our other blog posts for valuable tips and insights. Or, feel free to contact us today to learn how we can assist you.

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