How Stress Contributes to Hair Loss: Five Key Insights

How Stress Contributes to Hair Loss: Five Key Insights

Stress-related hair loss is called telogen effluvium, and it can happen to men and women. Here’s five things you didn’t know about stress and hair loss.

Each year men spend over $1 Billion to prevent baldness. And there are roughly 40 million bald men in America currently. The causes of hair loss are complicated and can range from alopecia to hereditary baldness.

Unfortunately one of the least discussed causes of hair loss is stress. Though most people experience some degree of hair loss during stressful periods of their life the long-term damage stress can have on your hairline are rarely discussed.

If you understand how to deal with anxiety induced baldness then keep reading. We’ve created a list of everything you wanted to know about stress and hair loss.

1. There are different Types of Stress-Related Hair Loss

When looking up stress and hair loss most people believe that the process is fairly straightforward. But like most things related to hair loss its a lot more complicated. There are three different conditions related to stress based hair loss.

The most common stress-related hair loss is telogen effluvium. This is when your brain signals your scalp to stop growing hair as stress increases. It’s mostly localized on the top of the scalp and commonly occurs in women.

There’s also trichotillomania which is a stress-related disorder that causes picking and pulling hair on the scalp and around your body. Often people who suffer trichotillomania aren’t aware they’re doing it. And pulling on the scalp constantly leads to scalp irritation that prevents the hair from growing back.

Alopecia areata is one of the most traumatic types of hair loss. It causes large clumps of hair to fall out around the scalp.

2. It’s Usually Temporary

The most important thing to remember when experiencing hair thinning from stress is to try and stay calm. It’s understandable for people to become anxious about hair loss but increased stress levels will lead to more hair loss.

3. There are Some Unlikely Treatments

When looking up how to regain hair loss from stress most people assume the treatments often involve medication and doctors appointments. But sometimes the treatment is as simple as reducing the stress in your life.

Doing simple things like meditating and exercising can cause hair loss to gradually stop.

For more serious cases of hair thinning from stress, there are nonsurgical treatments like micro-pigmentation and hair restoration drugs.

4. There is a Strange Reasons Stress Makes Your Hair Fall Out

When it comes to stress hair loss the main culprit is usually cortisol also known as the stress hormone.

When you’re under intense pressure and stress your body’s usual response is to produce excess amounts of cortisol which inhibits hair growth.

5. It’s One of the Most Common Causes of Hair Loss

There’s a reason why can stress cause hair loss is one of the commonly asked questions about baldness.

In fact, stress related hair loss is one of the most common causes of baldness in young people. And millennials are starting to notice that they’re losing their hair at earlier ages.

Want More Treatments For Stress and Hair Loss?

Dealing with stress and hair loss can seem hopeless. But it doesn’t have to be.

If you want an effective and noninvasive treatment for hair loss contact us today!


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