The Strangest Baldness 'Cures' in History

The Strangest Baldness 'Cures' in History

4 Strange Things People Use as a Cure for Baldness

Bizarre Remedies People Thought Could Be a Cure for Baldness

People have been on the hunt for a cure for baldness for thousands of years. Here’s a few strange paths they took along the way.

Keyword(s): cure for baldness

Around 20% of men will lose their hair by the age of 20. This figure increases to 50% by the age of 50.

But, adjusting to going bald certainly isn’t easy and many men struggle. In fact, baldness has even been linked to depression in men.

As a result, many men go to great lengths to ensure their head is full of hair. Some people, including President Trump, take pharmaceuticals such as Propecia. Others, such as footballer Wayne Rooney, pay thousands for follicular unit extraction.

Although these methods aren’t cures, they can make a big difference to a man’s confidence.

As people have been on the hunt for a cure for baldness for thousands of years, there have been many strange solutions men have tried. In this article, we’ll look at a few of the most interesting paths they took along the way. Let’s get started!

1. Ancient Egyptians Anti-Baldness Rub

Ancient Egyptians who were going bald took advice from a medical text called The Ebers Papyrus.

This text advised creating an oil or mixture which would then be rubbed on the head. Strange ingredients included fats taken from animals such as hippos, donkey hooves, the leg of a female greyhound, and porcupine hair.

When this (inevitably) didn’t work, people going bald would turn to the trustiest “cure” known to man — the wig. In fact, ancient Egyptian royals regularly wore wigs and fake beards.

2. Veni, Vidi, Vici, Baldi

Roman politician and military general, Julius Ceasar was once one of the world’s most famous bald men.

He attempted a combover when he first noticed the early warning signs of baldness. However, without the invention of hair wax, gel or hairspray, his hair wouldn’t stay put.

So, Cleopatra, his lover, suggested he tried grinding up horse teeth with mice and bear grease to apply to his head. As you might expect, this concoction did little for his baldness and probably left a very peculiar smell on his pillow.

Instead, Ceasar took to fashion to hide his bald patch. The laurel wreath is often associated with Romans thanks to his oft-worn crown.

3. Head Hoovers Promote Hair Growth

In the 1930s, Dr. Andre Cueto researched why hair loss occurred. He concluded that it was largely due to blood vessels under the scalp having reduced circulation.

As a result, he worked with Crosley to develop a machine which used air pressure and vacuum suction to improve circulation.

The Crosley Xervac received high praise at the time. However, it was quickly proven that the Xervac didn’t work and, even worse, would damage the hair users actually had left.

One of the most famous users of the Xervac was George Gershwin but he didn’t use it for its intended purpose. It’s rumored that he used the machine to reduce headaches caused by a terminal brain tumor.

4. Mooving Argument for Virgin Pee

Would you rather drink a cup of virgin cow urine or wear a toupe? For many in Agra, India, the former is the preferred choice.

DD Singhal is the founder of the Agra Gaushala Foundation. He is sure that drinking cow urine (while it’s still warm and before sunrise) is the only cure for male baldness.

Better yet — for believers, the urine can also cure a myriad of health issues such as diabetes, cancer, and tuberculosis.

No Cure for Baldness but There Is Help

Unfortunately, for those who drink cow urine while rubbing hippo fat on their heads, science proves that there is no real cure for baldness.

However, scalp micropigmentation is a non-invasive treatment which gives the appearance of stubble and will help you to regain your confidence.

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