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The wedding day belongs to both the groom and bride, so why should the latter only have fun experimenting with different hairstyles? You can be dressed in the most attractive of outfits and flaunt the most expensive and classy shoes, but if your hair is wrong, all efforts fall flat. Getting the perfect hairstyle doesn't only mean the following trends – it is also about combining the hottest hairstyle trends around with your sense of style, personality and the look you want to achieve. Check out some of the coolest wedding season hairstyles for the groom!
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Did you know that the American Hair Loss Association predicts that around two-thirds of men will experience some degree of appreciable hair loss by age 35; while 85% will have significantly thinning hair by age 50? Alopecia is an issue that has got men terrified all over the world, especially as it is manifesting very quickly, even if someone is in their 20s! That is why a lot of men are opting to take steroid injection treatments for alopecia, as it is believed to be quite effective in combating hair loss.
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Many men shudder and get petrified at the slightest mention of balding. In as much as if it affects men, women are also not spared of its wrath, but in most cases, it's as common in men as the Fourth of July fireworks. It's the leading cause of low self-esteem among men. It's a constant battle as the menfolk try to battle their receding hairline in their quest for the ever-elusive youthfulness and confidence. But have you ever heard about scalp micro pigmentation and its immense benefits?
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Modern men are getting conscious, and self-aware of their looks and a more significant part of what plays into this is their scalps. Nowadays, it's in every man to look into every possible hair loss remedy, mainly if they exhibit signs of balding. It may not hit you now, but you're sure to re-visit the topics into your 30's. It serves as a consolation to know there are alternatives out there once things go south up there.
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A considerable percentage of men suffer from low self-esteem shattered by baldness beyond existence. The hard truth and what most men find hard to accept is that there isn't anything that they can do about it since it's ingrained in their DNA. Therefore, the acceptance of balding is crucial and knowing that there are certain things we can do to address the issue is the first step towards waging war on balding. This article sheds light on the various ways to deal with balding.
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